Size:- 10 inch(27 cm)
Diameter – 2 inch
Micron Rating – 5 Micron
Material - Amorphous Carbon Granules
Brand - Pearl Water
Model - ULTRA
Installation - Self (easy)
Capacity - 8000 Ltr
Country Of Origin - INDIA
Net Quantity - 3
₹ 549Carbon Filter ULTRA has a huge service life of 8000 LTR which is enough to full-fill your requirements. Made with Coal and Biodegradable material such as Coconut Shells and Fruit Shells. The appearance is black amorphous particles. The size of this ULTRA Carbon Filter is 27 cm for all the types of RO Water Filter System. Provides an ULTRA Purification by removing distinct types of organic matter, residual chlorine, and other radioactive substances in the water, and has the effect of decolorization and deodorization. Effectively replenish the colour of the water and remove any sort of odour. easy to install and long lasting with a range of 4-8 months.
This Carbon Filter ULTRA is made by a special process in which the substance is baked at 1000 Degree Celcius in the absence of Oxygen and then subjected to 1600 degree celsius steam that activates the carbon and turn them into granules and leaves the cracks and pores open to catch hold of dust and impurities.
• Carbon Filter ULTRA is made from coconut shell, fruit shell and coal by a special process. Its appearance is black amorphous particles with a pore structure and good adsorption performance.
• It effectively remove the organic matter, residual chlorine and other radioactive substances in the water, and has the effect of decolorization and deodorization.
• Carbon filter can deeply absorb the color, peculiar smell and filter out all the impurities from water. It is used in the third stage of filtration and also plays an effective role in protecting the RO membrane.
• Premium Quality Product,
• Removes Objectionable Taste And Odour for water .
• Made of Coconut Granular Activated Carbon.
• Pre-carbon Filter Which can Remove chlorine, organics, compounds, colour, odour and floating particles.
Unlike all the other carbon filter this Carbon Filter is of high performance that will easily eliminate all the impurities from the water and will make sure that the odour and the color of water is up to the mark.
Carbon Filter makes the water so clean and pure by its amorphous particles that the TDS levels gradually decrease. Having a long lasting lifespan that can filter water upto 8-9 months. Made with a special technology which ensures no leakage or breakage. All the RO connectors and pipes can be easily fitted into the inlet and outlet.
Distinct types of chemicals that are harmful for the human body as well as plants are easily removed. VOCs which are usually present around us in our daily lives are also removed from the water. Providing you the safest form of water that is good for the human body and free from harmful substances such as Inorganic salts and minerals. It makes the water odorless and gives back its original color and taste. High Quality product with long lasting lifespan. Very Easy to install and reliable.
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Q1. What is the capacity of this Carbon Filter ULTRA?
The Capacity of this Carbon Filter ULTRA is around 8000 LTRs which can easily run for approximately 8-9 months but anyways the real life of the filter can differ as per the amount of water filtration done by the user.
Q2. Can this Carbon Filter be connected to the universal type connector and RO pipe?
Yes this Carbon Filter ULTRA is capable of connecting to the universal type RO water Connectors and pipes. Usually there is a universal size of RO water pipe and connector that comes for all the standar RO but sometimes it may differ depending on the brand and the type of water RO filter.
Q3. Does Carbon Filter ULTRA decrease TDS ?
There is a myth that many people believe that all the filters that are assorted in an RO water System is responsible for decreasing the TDS that is usually checked by the TDS meter for ensuring the quality and the purity of water. Mainly the TDS is decreased by the RO Membrane which is one of the filters in an RO system. Carbon Filter on the other hand is responsible to remove several types of chemicals, water odor, and all the other impurities and helps in replenishing the color of the water. At the end we can say that a very minute change in the TDs can be seen when water is crossed from the carbon filter.
Q4. How to install this Carbon Filter ULTRA?
This Carbon FIlter ULTRA has two ends, one for the inlet and other one for the outlet. One does not need an engineer’s mind to connect it. Just go with the water flow, connect the pipes into specified ones and there you go. We highly recommend Self installation so that you can save your money from wasting it on Service.
Q5. Should I use an engineer to replace my carbon filters?
This Carbon FIlter CRYSTAL has two ends, one for the inlet and other one for the outlet. One does not need an engineer’s mind to connect it. Just go with the water flow, connect the pipes into specified ones and there you go. We highly recommend Self installation so that you can save your money from wasting it on Service.
Q6. What is activated carbon?
Activated carbon is a form of coal also known as activated charcoal is done by oxidizing to make them extremely porous and have a high surface area for absorption.