A water softener contains a resin bed through which the water flows and the exchange of hard ions such as calcium and magnesium for sodium ions take place.
What is a water softener resin?
A water softener resin bed is the main ingredient in the water softener that converts hard water into soft water. It attracts magnesium and calcium, which makes the water hard, and replaces them with soft ions such as sodium. A water softener resin looks like a bed made of beads and each bead size ranges from 0.3 to 1.2 mm. The resin is made up of polystyrene, which is a type of plastic, and Divinylbenzene (DVB). DVB is a yellow colour liquid, has a strong smell, and holds the resin bed together.
How does the resin work?
The resins are charged with sodium ions, meaning they are negatively charged. The hard water contains calcium and magnesium minerals, meaning they are positively charged. When the water enters the mineral tank, it flows through a resin bed. As the opposite charges attract, the negative charge of the minerals gets attracted to the positive charge of the resin bed. The resin beads catch the mineral ions and release sodium ions making the water soft. This soft water enters into your faucets for use.
Advantages of softener resin
Pearl Water is a premium brand in India and abroad for resin beds. Our ISO-certified products are highly appreciated by our customers. The water softener resin price that we offer is quite affordable. Connect with us to know more about the resin bed, its installation, or water softener resin cost.
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